Sunday, January 10

I'm such a slacker.

Seriously. I wish I could compartmentalize all my thoughts, feelings into different sections, because I really don't know where to start.
  • Taiwan was fun fun fun! Shopping was great, (maybe my next post will be a proper recommendation of places to go in taiwan) the friends I've made were awesome and so enthusiastic! Plus the food, OMG. If I didn't practice self control I'd be so obese by now T.T
  • I've not been reading books lately, I feel so empty and hopeless. What is my problem?
  • Worked as a kindergarten helper for a week now. The work's not bad, but taking care of kids can sometimes be pretty physically taxing as well, since you still have to keep an eye on them 24/7. But then again they can surprise you with their cuteness! ^^
  • Just came back from edu fair in KLCC. Now considering unis that have never crossed my mind! Haha time for more research =)
There are two things I dearly miss right now, which is 1) Taiwan 2) College. I wish I could do it over and over and over again. No wonder kids like merry go rounds ^^

Off to look for movies on PPS! Hopefully it'll get my mind off all unimportant worldly matters o.O

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