I'm supposed to be catching up on the week's lecture now but out of boredom (cause I'm not sure if you're interested) let me just share some Hong Kong slang/terms =)
- 劲 geng - can be used as a substitute for 好(hou) 非常 (fei sheung); eg 劲肚饿 (geng tou ngor) very hungry
- 撻皮 (tat pei) - lazy
- hea - lazy
- 出 pool - start dating someone
- 入 pool - just turned single (eg enter the pool of single people)
- churr - busy
- So - sorry
- su 唔 su - sure or not
- au - obtain, extract (like stealing, in a jokingly way)
- 劲过 (geng guo) - CGPA over 3
- 搏丁 (bok ding) - trying to score distinction (studying really hard for exams)
- 潜 li (cheem li) - study in the library all day
- 抽书 (chau xu) - like if people chau your xu, means they ask you questions from the lectures, like see how much you already know/studied
- 搏尽 (bok chun) - very "bok", either in studies or CCAs
- 浮 (fao) - opposite of cheem, like if you're very "fao" in hall means you simply join lots and lots of activities
- 上莊 (sheung jong) - become Executive Committee of a club. "jong" culture is really strong here as in they'll be harsh in some way before you get to be Exco, for certain hall and student's union "jong".
- 过 O (guo O) - go through hall/floor orientation
can only think of this much at the moment! Gonna go cheem now!!! >.<
nice and interesting...
I can't believe klang people is teaching cantonese here x)
haha next year i'm gonna teach u cantonese.. beware! XD
LOL damn farrrny lo haha....
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