Characteristics of a typical Chinese:
1. Loves eating
2. Loves money
3. Loves gambling
4. Loves red and other auspicious stuff
5. Loves noise and the crowd
So NOW do you know why we celebrate Chinese New Year? So we can actually bask in our own indulgences, e.g.
1. Everyone gets to eat excessively until they get too full, get arteriosclerosis or hypertension.
2. Kids get the money and stay happy for the rest of the day.
3. Adults go gambling and LOSE money (98% of the time).
4. The whole house becomes plastered with red decoratives and piggy figures.
5. Aunties and Uncles get lost in the world of mahjong and deafening sounds. What a pleasure.
1. Loves eating
2. Loves money
3. Loves gambling
4. Loves red and other auspicious stuff
5. Loves noise and the crowd
So NOW do you know why we celebrate Chinese New Year? So we can actually bask in our own indulgences, e.g.
1. Everyone gets to eat excessively until they get too full, get arteriosclerosis or hypertension.
2. Kids get the money and stay happy for the rest of the day.
3. Adults go gambling and LOSE money (98% of the time).
4. The whole house becomes plastered with red decoratives and piggy figures.
5. Aunties and Uncles get lost in the world of mahjong and deafening sounds. What a pleasure.
Am I sounding cynical today? Must be the fact that I didn't get enough money, didn't eat enough, banned from gambling and MOSTly because I didn't get enough money.
After all, I AM a typical chinese.